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We are a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church in the University City neighborhood of Kenner, LA, committed to loving God passionately and loving people personally. We know that stepping inside a church building is a big decision, so we've answered some frequently asked questions below to give you a good idea of what you can expect: ​

Why the Family Church?

Family is rooted in the Trinitarian nature of God. Just as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one family in relationship with one another, so is his church (John 17:21). From the beginning of creation, God declared, "It is not good that the man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18). Not only did God create and bless the marriage relationship, he extended familial and relational attributes to His church (Romans 12:10).

What does a normal Sunday look like?

Music begins ​​at 10AM focusing our attention on the Lord. This time features a special moment of prayer led by one of our members. The message is the focal point of our time together and lasts about 30 minutes. After the message we have a time of reflecting upon our spiritual life and condition, an opportunity for followers of Jesus to participate in communion together, and to continue our worship through giving.

What should I wear?

Simple answer: Come as you are! Our gatherings are informal. Feel free to wear what you feel most comfortable in. Our pastor usually wears jeans and an untucked dress shirt. Whether you have a tie or a t-shirt, welcome to the Family Church!

Do you do anything midweek?

Yes. We are a church on mission. Family Church gathers midweek in addition to Sundays in community groups where we live, work, eat, and play to Read, Pray, and Share as the church. Check out our Functions or Connect with us for more information and to get connected.

What if I've never been a part of a church or haven't been in a long time?

Do not fear. You won't be alone if you're checking out Christianity or the church for the first time or in a very long time. Family Church strives to be welcoming and highly relational as we create space for you to ask questions and experience Jesus and His church. No previous church experience is required.

What kind of church are you?

You will find people from many different backgrounds part of Family Church. We are an autonomous church with a "non-denominational feel" in the evangelical and protestant traditions led by a group of elders and overseers who are held accountable by God and the church. For the sake of missions, we voluntarily partner and affiliate with the Primal Church Network, New Orleans Baptist Association, Louisiana Baptist Convention, Send Network/North American Mission Board, International Mission Board, and other like-minded organizations. For more information check out Our Beliefs.

What if I grew up Catholic?

Family Church is an evangelical, protestant church, but everyone is welcome to worship and grow alongside us. We teach directly from the Bible. Things may seem more informal than what you have possibly experienced, but our contemporary style is undergirded by liturgy and tradition. We respect your desire to grow and learn at your own pace. Feel free to ask questions. You'll likely meet other people raised Catholic who have reconnected with or completely discovered their faith in Jesus Christ.

What about my kids?

We are a family-friendly church. Family Church welcomes all ages to our Sunday worship gatherings. Special activity sheets are available to help children follow along if you choose to keep them with you for the entire worship gathering. We welcome the extra noise! Our kids ministry, FC Kids, dismisses prior to the message each week. Check out our Functions for more information. Let us know if you have any further questions.


3233 Loyola drive
kenner, la 70065
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